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Friday, July 8, 2011

Moving is Hell on the Blog

Well, I've been through some huge changes lately. The only thing you can tell from the blog is that I haven't been posting. I promise I haven't abandoned ship. It's more that I've been crazy busy and unable to fit much else into my days - even just reading. Sigh...

So, my husband and I recently moved from NYC back to Tennessee. It was a necessary move and I'm glad we did it. I'm not glad to have left my job... job searching seriously sucks. But it's good for me mentally and to be closer to my family. That was one of the main reasons.

Now it's time to play catch up. I've got reviews to write and tons of blogs to read. My blog reader is brimming. Hopefully it won't take me too long to get through them. Luckily I only have two reviews to get off - I've had so little time to read lately, it's almost a blessing at this point. In the next day or so I hope to have those taken care of.

Note to any publishers/editors: If you have my address on file, please email me because it's changed (theninjalibrarian@gmail.com). Thanks!

Hope to be caught up soon! Thanks for your patience.

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