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Friday, July 31, 2009

Shooter by Walter Dean Myers

Title: Shooter
Author: Walter Dean Myers
ISBN: 9780064472906
Publisher: Harper Collins

"Cameron: "Deep inside, you know that whoever gets up in your face gets there because he knows you're nothing, and he knows that you know it too."

Carla: "What I'm trying to do is to get by—not even get over, just get by."

Leonard: "I have bought a gaw-juss weapon. It lies beneath my bed like a secret lover, quiet, powerful, waiting to work my magic."

Statement of Fact: 17-year-old white male found dead in the aftermath of a shooting incident at Madison High School in Harrison County.

Conclusion: Death by self-inflicted wound."

I've heard about this author for years - mostly because he's asked for all the time. So I decided to give his book a shot and was not disappointed. The story is about three high school seniors who find themselves involved in something much more than any of them expected.

One of the most obvious things about this book is the way it's written - all done in interview format. You never get the normal look into the speakers thoughts or feelings except for what they say in the interviews. This makes the book a very fast read, but you do feel as though you know the characters.

Now, thinking back on the story, I realize that the actual action in the book is only like one days worth. Beyond that it's looking back to see where things went wrong, who these people are, etc. But it's a pretty cool story and makes you think a bit about consequences and actions.

I'll absolutely continue to recommend this book to any teen - I've been recommending Myers for years because of his popularity. But now I get to talk about him with more knowledge. I'm definitely a fan.
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