Author: John Green and David Levithan
ISBN: 9780525421580
Publisher: Dutton Books
"One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens - both named Will Grayson - are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions. Building toward respective romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history's most fabulous high school musical.
Superstar authors John Green and David Levithan join forces on a collaborative novel of awesome proportions, brimming with a double helping of the heart and humor that have won them both legions of faithful fans."
First Lines:
"When I was little, my dad used to tell me, "Will, you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick you friend's nose." This seemed like a reasonably astute observation to me when I was eight, but it turns out to be incorrect on a few levels."
Page 3
I've always been a John Green fan - as in, I used to watch the Nerdfighter wonderfulness videos he and his brother used to do. So very full of awesome. I haven't read any of his stuff lately, so this book reminded me of why I like him as a writer so much. I think I've read one of David Levithan's books and I enjoyed his writing very much. I think this book is a great combination of the two authors.
On one side you've got the Will Grayson who has hilarious friends and has a better life than even he understands. And on the other hand you have the other Will Grayson who has problems with depression and finds himself at odds with the world at every turn. The way these two meet and become involved in each others lives is just really well done.
There's a huge (literally) character in the middle of this story who is almost the main focus of the book. His personality, his lifestyle, his friendship... all of it is what the book is about. It works really well though, because you never get his point of view. You only are looking through the eyes of the friends he has - and getting to know him that way. The story is definitely about both Will Graysons... but it' also a lot about the people around them.
I did enjoy the dialog a lot. These writers are just so clever. I had a few moments of actual laughing out loud. So props on that. I'm going to say that this book is mostly recommended for older teens though. Mostly because of topics and language throughout. Not like younger teens don't know, but just for the sake of parents :). It's an older teen book.
One of the great things about this book is how honest it is. It's very real. I think that's something teens will like and identify with in this story. I will absolutely recommend it. And what a perfect book to be reading for pride month :). That's certainly not what the book is about - but it's a huge (hah) aspect. It makes the book what it is. Wonderful!
Both of the authors have great websites: John Green's Site. David Levithan's Site. And pick up more of their novels because they're both made of awesome.
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And this is just the first page of google results. So you should check out more and read the book. It's worth it. :)
Aww amazing review! I love an honest book and one that can make you laugh, so I can't wait to pick this one up (:
You're right, both authors are very clever and hilarious. Loved both WGs and the "other" character you allude to. :-) Great review!
Thanks for the review! A friend let me borrow the book, but it was at the end of the school year and I had many tests to study for so I didn't get very far in the book before I had to give it back to her.
I really like your blog!
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